Oxford Parks and Rec

Employment Opportunities

If you are interested in applying for a job with the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department please download an application (below) and return to the office- 2795 Seymour Lake Road, Oxford, Michigan  48371 or email it to info@oxparkrec.org.

Current Available Positions

The Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department is recruiting for the following FULL-TIME position(s):

No openings at this time

The Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department is looking for the following SEASONAL positions for the Summer 2025 season:

Application Deadline for Summer Camp positions is March 21, 2025.
Day Camp Counselor (must be 18 years old)

Application Deadline for Seasonal Maintenance help is April 18, 2025.
Seasonal Maintenance Summer Help (must be 18 years old, May through August evening & weekend hours)

Application Deadline for Spring Soccer referee is March 21, 2025.
Spring Soccer Recreational Referee (Soccer knowledge and experience required, games take place in April and May)

Application Deadline for Spring Softball Umpire is April 18, 2025.
Spring Softball Recreational Umpires (Softball/Baseball knowledge and experience required, games take place in May and June)